This includes health insurance, company sponsored dispensaries, maternity benefits and like wise. The significant legislative step with regard to the health program was taken with the enactment of the employee’s state insurance 1948. This is applicable to all the no Seasonal factories employing 20 or more persons with a monthly wage of Rs.500 or less. The factories Act provides detailed instruction cleanliness, lighting, temperature control, artificial humidification, overcrowding etc.

Safety programs
The employers must provide a safe environment to work in and must develop safe workers to perform the job. As a measure of safety regulation, ESI schemes provide the disability benefits. The factories Act prescribes detailed safety regulation, the fencing of the machinery, testing and examination of the appliances such as hoists, lifts, cranes, pressure vessels etc . The workman compensation Act also provides worker with the protection against the disability and death caused in the course of employment.

Pension programs

Many employees provide a lump-sum amount to their employees, on the separation from his service due to retirement, invalidity and depth. A full-fledged pension plan to the employees was formulated with the enactment of employee’s provident fund Act, 1952. All companies employing 20 or more persons are covered by the Act.

Other programs

Other programs such as the maternity benefit, unemployment benefit, holiday and leave benefit, credit societies etc are provided under statute.

It is useful to consider welfare benefit under two basic categories, that is intra-mural andextra mural

Intra mural activities consist of facilities provide with in the factories and include provisions for crèches and canteens, supply of drinking water, facilities for storing and drying clothing, provisions of safety measures, activity relating to improving conditions of employment and occupation safety, uniforms and protective clothing, health and medical facilities etc

Extramural activities cover the services and facilities provided out side the factory such us housing accommodation, indoor and outdoor recreational facilities, amusement and sports, educational facilities for adults and children’s, and social insurance, maternity benefits ,health and medical facilities ,leave and travel facilities, vocational training

It may be started that the welfare activities may be provided by the employer, the government, non-government organization and the trade union while the employer provide will be started later, the activities undertaken by the other agencies are mentioned here
These facilities and benefits can be further classified into those provided by legislation and those provided voluntarily by management or as a result of bipartite settlements between management and the trade unions

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