7 Interesting Facts | 7 Unbelievable facts in the world | Amazing Things


This Video is about 7 Unbelievable facts and interesting facts of Human Body. About Ears, Yawning, , Face Dimple, Plam lines

Can you do Breathing & Drinking same time

Not really.

Simply speaking, there are two tubes from the back of your mouth. One goes down into your lungs; the other to your stomach.

But there is a shared space at the top, the pharynx, which gives access to both.

Your pharynx is extremely adept at keeping air and liquids separate. When you swallow, your airway is blocked off by muscles so that food and liquids don’t go down into your lungs. Air in the stomach is much less of a concern, but still air doesn’t go into the stomach during breathing.

If you have a mixture of air and liquid in your pharynx, it will initiate a swallow, because it’s better to have air in your stomach than liquid in your lungs.

As a result, it is impossible to breathe normally and swallow normally at the same time.

You can rapidly alternate between breathing and swallowing. You can see this in athletes drinking from a water bottle while breathing hard after a race.

You can also (as someone mentioned) trick your pharynx by trickling water down which then passively drains into the stomach while you breathe and your pharynx remains relaxed. But that’s not the same as swallowing while you are breathing.

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 Face Mites

Don't freak out, but you probably have a few dozen arachnids grinding up on the tiny shafts of hair lodged inside your face, quietly gorging themselves on your natural oils.

OK, you can freak out if you want. But there's nothing wrong with you. These tick-like arachnids are known as face mites (in the genus Demodex) and, according to a skin-tingling new video created by the folks at KQED San Francisco, they live a peaceful life buried in the facial pores of most human adults. (The mites are not found on babies, and they are thought to be transmitted through motherly contact.)

These creepy-crawlies are eight-legged, mostly transparent and microscopic in size, measuring about 0.01 inches (0.3 millimeters) apiece, according to an NPR article accompanying the new video. They live near the roots of facial hair follicles on both men and women, hidden away inside your pores.

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  What is a yawn?

Yawning is a mostly involuntary process of opening the mouth and breathing in deeply, filling the lungs with air. It’s a very natural response to being tired. In fact, yawning is usually triggered by sleepiness or fatigue.

Some yawns are short, and some last for several seconds before an open-mouthed exhale. Watery eyes, stretching, or audible sighs may accompany yawning.

Researchers aren’t exactly sure why yawning occurs, but common triggers include fatigue and boredom. Yawns may also occur when you talk about yawning or see or hear someone else yawn.

It’s believed that contagious yawning may have something to do with social communication. In addition, a 2013 study published in the International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research suggests that yawning may help cool the temperature of the brain.

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How cheek dimples form

Dimples are sometimes caused by a change in a facial muscle called the zygomaticus major. This muscle is involved in facial expression. It’s the one that helps to raise the corners of your mouth when you smile.

In people without dimples, the zygomaticus major muscle usually begins at a bone in your cheek called the zygomatic bone. It then runs downward, connecting to the corner of your mouth.

In people with dimples, the zygomaticus major may divide into two separate bundles of muscle on its way down to the mouth. One bundle connects at the corner of the mouth. The other bundle connects below the corner of the mouth and is also tethered to the skin above it.

This split in the muscle can be referred to as a double or bifid zygomaticus major muscle. Movement of the skin over the double zygomaticus major muscle when you smile causes the dimple to form.

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Palm Lines

Some people think the  lines in human hands foretell the future through the practice of palmistry.

Scientifically speaking, however, the lines on a palm, or palmar flexion creases, help the hand's skin stretch and squeeze. They can also help identify certain medical conditions.

Human hands develop palmar creases in the womb at around the 12th week of gestation, and are present on a baby's hand when he or she is born.       

When you clench your hand,  lines provide an avenue for the hand's skin to fold without bunching up and making it difficult to grab onto items. That may also be why there are strong creases where the bones in the fingers and thumb meet.

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