Google Announced the price slashes of Google
Drive Cloud online storage service on last week. Google users can enjoy the
free Google Drive
service up to 15GB and 100GB costs only $1.99, you can now enjoy 1 TB of cloud
storage for $9.99 a month, down from $49.99. This price slash will enhance the
cost effectiveness of Google Drive
service and create tough competition against Drop Box or Microsoft’s One Drive .
Google also offers 10TB Cloud Storage space
for $99.99 for a month and 30TB for $299.99 per month.
The new price slash in the Google Drive storage service may create a
new trend in between other competitors. Dropbox is already providing 100GB
service with a price of $9.99 per month.
Google users can use this cloud storage
service for the purpose of Google+, Gmail, Blogger, or any other services.