Samsung has declared its new Smartphone the Galaxy Note 510 (Galaxy Note 8.0) in India. The release of this latest Smartphone is publicized by Samsung from World Mobile Congress happening in Barcelona. The Samsung Galaxy Note 510 comes with a 8.0-inch TFT display, motorized by a 1.6 GHz quad-core processor and scuttles on Android 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean). It has S Pen preserve with Air View, S Note, S Planner, Email with handwriting combination and further. The rumors are saying that the price of the Samsung Galaxy Note will be near to Rs 32000 ( $599).
“The Galaxy Note 510 breathes fresh life into the category as it delivers the perfect fusion of portability and everyday productivity resulting in a pioneering, pocket sized solution that enhances and enriches our everyday lives, whether at work or play”, said Mr. B.D. Park, President and CEO, South West Asia, Samsung Electronics.
The new Android jelly Bean installed Samsung Galaxy 510 allows clearest voice calling and video calling. The customers can enjoy all the facilities in 3G network with new Samsung Galaxy 510. The device is friendly with a Stylus pen that comes with a Samsung Air View feature with which the user can simply hold the stylus in front of the screen to see previews of different apps and much more.
The rumors are saying that the price of the Samsung Galaxy Note will be near to Rs 32000 ( $599). Samsung will set a price that near to the price iPad Mini or Sony Xperia Z tablet. We can wait until it comes.
GALAXY NOTE 510 | 350 gms | 20.32 CM | Android 4.1.2 | 5 MP | 1.6 GHz quad-core processor | 12 Hours | 2 GB | 32000 | |
SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB 2 | 345 gms | 17.7 CM | ANDROID 4.1 | 3 MP | 1.0GHz dual core processor | 10 Hours | 1 GB | 13900 | |
LG OPTIMUS G | 155 gms | 12.1 CM | ANDROID 4 | 8 MP | 1.5 GHz Quad-Core Processor | 10 Hours | 2 GB | 35500 | |
NOKIA LUMIA 720 | 128 gms | 10.92 CM | WINDOWS | 6.7 MP | Dual-core 1.0GHz, Snapdragon™ S4 | 13.5 Hours | 512 MB | (E) | |
SONY XPERIA P | 120 gms | 10.16 CM | ANDROID 4 | 8 MP | 1 GHz U8500 Dual Core processor | 6 Hours | 1 GB | 17199 |
About the Author
I wish Samsung would make the successor of the 7.7 and leave the Note series to the phablets. They just seem to milk the success of the S and Note series phones.