Google added a new feature into its mobile market, now you can read and download latest books from your Smartphone. Google PlayStore offers new facilities that allowing to get information about new book releases, purchase new books, read free books and much more options.
Google Play Books have a wide variety of books you can buy or download for free. Like the rest of Google Play, Books too has been arranged in various sections, including Top Selling, Top Free, New Arrivals in Fiction and New comings in Non-Fiction. You can also browse through classes such as Biographies, Children's Books, Cooking, Fiction & Literature, History and Romance.
Last year, Google changed its Currents app for Android to version 2.0. This new feature a wide variety of enhancements, with the highlighted feature being the addition of an Edition sidebar, which can enable a user to browse feeds based on genres. The Currents app is friendly with Android 2.2 Froyo or afterward.
This facility allows to purchase latest and popular books from your Smartphone. The Google PlayStore integrates release of the latest books through Google PlayStore. Feature books option allows you to read more feature books from your Smartphone.