There are various approaches to describe the structure of MIS. The structure of MIS has been explained in terms of decision making, management activity,organisational functions and operating elements. These different approaches of MIS can be combined to get an overall perspective of MIS structure. This process of combining these different approaches of MIS is called SYNTHESIS OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. This can be of two ways
  • Conceptual structure
  • Physical structure
The conceptual structure of a MIS is a federation of functional systems niz, production, finance,personnel and marketing. Each of these subsystems of information system is supported to provide information support to executives for operational control, management control and strategic planning
Different operational functions have different information requirements. Their information requirements vary not only in current but also in characteristics. In fact the content of information depends upon the activities to be performed under an operational functions, in turn, influences the characteristics, which particular information possesses.
The levels of management activity also influence the characteristics of information. Strategic planning requires more external information. On the other hand management control level requires more accurate, precise, and repetitive information. Operation management needs very detailed information for performing the day- to-day activities.
The information requirements of each sub system of information can be met by developing two type of data files namely UNIQUE and COMMON files. Unique data files meet the information requirements of each operational function at different levels of management activity. Common data files stores data to meet the general information requirements of the concern. The data stored in data files is usually in raw form and hence it needs processing. These data may be processed by using software and decision models kept under model base. The use of data in the data base may be controlled by dta base management system

  1. Strategic planning
  2. Different functions
  3. Common programs
  4. Management control
  5. Operational control
  6. Transaction processing
  7. Unique files
  8. Common data files
  9. Model base
  10. Common application
  11. Database management
  12. Database

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