Office automation systems are software packages such as ms office which include word processors, spread sheeys, databases, presentation software, email, internet, desktop publishing programs and project management. In office automation much work is processed electonically with the aim of saving space, being more efficient and reducing paper usage.

The backbone of office automation is a law which allows users to transit data,mail and even voice across the world. All office function including dictation, typing, telephone,fax,ran into this category. Office automation tools can greatl improve office productivity. Automation tools can greatly improve office productivity. It is true that no modern office can hope to survive without many of these facilities.

Defintion office automation:-
Office automation is defined as using computer and communication technology to help managers and executives for a better use and managent of information. It includes all types of computers,telephone,email etc.
Office automation system provides required information to the management and decision makers in the form of text, voice, graphics and video display technology.

Need for office automation:-
1)Labour saving:-
This is the main reason for office automation. Due to automation the company achieves a reduction in the total wage payments. Moreover there can have an increase in the volume of work handled by the existing staff.
2)Time saving:-
Automation is also necessary because it save time in performing various office automation. All the work can be completed within the stipulated time.
One of the chief advantage of office automation is that the management can be sure of obtaining accurate figures from its accounting records.
4)Less chances of commtting fraud:-
The value of office automation lies in the fact it reduces the chances of committing fraud by employes in an organisation.
5)Uniformity in work:-
It is also necessary to get neat legible and uniform type of reports and documents. Analysis can be obtained automatically at the time of entering into the record itself.

6)Greater control on information:-
With the help of office automation, the management can achieve greater control on information. They also get accurate information quickly so that office work can be performed more efficiently.

Important methods of office automation
a)word processing:-
it is an office automation technology that help the creation of documents. It also facilitates to edit, format and print documents.
b)Desktop publishing:-
organization can use desk top publishing systems to produce their own printed materials. They can design and print their own news letters,manuals and book with several type,style and colours on each page.
it is away of sending and receiving messages between users on a network. If you are connected to the internet, you can send messages to any other user who is also connected to the internet. In order to send a message, it is necessary to have a special software.
d)Voice chat:-
it is the system for digitizing a spoken message and transmitting it over network. It is just like email except that the sender sends messages in spoken words through telephone rather than typing them.
E)Audio confrencing:-
It is the system that uses voice communication technology to establish connection among geographically scattered persons. All the persons participating in an audio conference are connected to an audio channel which receives messages from and send messages to various participants.

f)video conferening:-
Large business organisations developed video conferencing capabilities so that people could communicate face to face with out travelling. Video conferencing in most basic form is the yransmission of image(video) and speech(audio) back and forth between two or more physically separate location.

Fax or telefax is utelecommunications to transmit and reproduce documents by wire or radio wave. Common fax machines are designed to scan printed textual and graphic material and then transmit the information through the telephone network to similar machines.

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