The Importance of Planning

Planning is the process of deciding what we do in future,when will be do , where, how and why . that means deciding all things in advance. this helps forecasting for future activities, and reduce risk in future activities.

Planning, as a human activity, has always been in existence. From early days, hunters planned how to catch food for their families and so on. We all try to plan out our personal lives according to what we want, or need, to do. This personal planning can be at quite a simple level and, on occasions, can be quite complex – think of the planning for a family wedding! However, we are now going to concentrate on the planning which is done in organisations.

In the same way as personal planning, organisational plans can be either complex or simple  it really depends on what is being aimed for and how much of the overall organisation is affected by the plan.

What we do know is that organisational planning in today's fast moving business world is very sophisticated – even if it is very logical. Consider the changes which have taken place in the business world which have brought us to this situation:
1. There is a dynamic, complex and fast changing environment
2. The market is highly competitive and global
3. Brands have become highly significant
4. Innovation is becoming increasingly important
5. There is a strong move towards acquisitions, strategic alliances, partnerships and joint- ventures
6. The growth of economic trading blocks
7. The need for better knowledge and learning
8. The demand for marketers to be accountable and the increased drive for shareholder   value
9 The need to work closer with other function.

Arguably the most significant of these changes are:

Increased competition and the growth of technology.  In the cold, real world of business, marketers would have to admit that it is the competition which keeps them on their toes. Everyone knows that marketing is about finding out what the customer wants and then providing it, but it is the competition that stops a company from being complacent. It would be wonderful if we could just take our time to supply what the customer wanted without any interference or hindrance from any other party, but it just doesn't happen that way. There will always be someone who gets in the way. It is because of this that planning has become so sophisticated and is seen as the life-blood
of the organisation.


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