1. To Analyze Market Opportunity:
The study on consumer behavior helps to understand market opportunity, so we can enter to new market opportunities. Customer is the king in the market, so analysis of consumer's needs is essential for understand nature of market.

2. Selecting the Target Market:
The study of consumer behavior help to understand market, it help to understand customer needs, and we can concentrate to particular needs of customer. By the analysis of market if we find out one particular segment needs a special care, then we can concentrate in to that area.
3 . Determining the Product Mix:
Having identified the unfulfilled need slot and having modified the product to suit differing consumer tastes, the marketer now has to get down to the brass tacks of marketing. He has to determine the right mix of product, price promotion and advertising understand his behavior.

4. Use in Non-profit and Social Marketing:
The knowledge of consumer behavior is also useful in the marketing of non-profit or social or governmental services of institution such as hospitals, voluntary agencies, law enforcement and tax collection agencies.

There are two broad approaches to study of consumer behavior a managerial approach views consumer behavior as an applied social science. And other one holistic approach views consumer behavior as a pure rather than applied social science.

1.             Managerial approach: a managerial approach to consumer behavior tends to be more micro and cognitive in nature. It is micro in emphasizing the individual consumer. His or her attitude, perception, lifestyles, and demographic characteristics. Environmental affects, reference group, the family, culture are studied in the context of how they influence the individual consumer behavior.

2.   Holistic approach: a holistic approach is more macro in its orientation, it tends to focus, more on the nature of consumption experience than on the purchasing process because it stress the broader, culturally derived context of consumption. Consumption is seen as being symbolic as well as normative. 


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chin said…
why do we need to study consumer behavior and its changing process?
Hussain Habeeb said…
consumer behavior is a very important aspect in modern business. modern business is forming according to needs and wants of consumers.

if a business man is not studying about CB , THAT WILL REFLECT IN HIS BUSINESS...