Shakira's barefoot

Shakeera isabel Meb arak Rippoll born in Barranquilla, 

               For fifteen years the Colombian star singer has been promoting the health and education of poor peoples. Shakira has spend 15 years for development of poor child, presently she became the goodwill ambassador for united nations international children's fund (UNICEF) -(2003).the barefoot foundation has funded 20 educational institutions in Colombia for poor children's. these schools are supported by Shakira, they provide food, and health facilities for this children's.

           Her achievements go beyond the two Grammy's and eight  Latin Grammy's she has been awarded over the years. Shakira has no only a successful artist but also a successful social activist. she spent a part of her life and money for poor children's. she was a agent for changing inequality and poverty from the society. 

          Shakira's life is a great model for every one. we can also spend some time with poor peoples, who want care and money from others.

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