developers of Android Mobile operating system Google released their
latest mobile operating system Google Android 4.4 Kitkat with lot of
tremendous updates. Google has made many changes in the Graphics, user
interface, Google's intelligent assistent, better cloud storage and
printing system, screen recording and many more.
Just check the latest updates in the Google Android 4.4 KitKat:-
1. New User Interface
new user interface in the Google Android 4.4 KitKat has more easiness with
more featured graphics, more easier book reading, more graphics in
videos and movies and much more. The lock screen widjet in the new
Google Android Operating system also providing immense experience for
- More amazing wall papers with full screen images and much more facilities.
- Easy navigation button.
- More customised multitasking.
- Freindly features for E-Book reading and movie watching.
- Location settings allows customised and personal apps.
- Emoji keyboard allows native keyboard.
2. Easy printing Facility
New Google Android 4.4 KitKat operating system allows more easier and
flexible printing from your Smartphones and tablets. This Google
operating system also allows printing from Cloud storage and E-Accounts.
3. Ok Google – Action by Voice Commands
'OK Google' Feature in the new Google Android operating system copy the
features in Iphone Siri Application. Now Google Android users can send
text messages, Play music and other things by using voice commands.
4. Immersive mode allow easy reading
immersive mode in the new Google Android Kitkat allows easy reading and
movie watching by hiding all other applications and tabs in the reading
time or Movie watching, this also allows easy take back of status bars
by pressing the corners.
5. Impressive Multitasking
new Google Android 4.4 Operating system is more flexible with more
easier multitasking facility. This allows easy music and gaming in the
new Android operating system, and this also allows more faster and
accuracy for your work.
6. Improved Caller ID with Location Settings
new Google Operating system is more comfortable with more customised
Location ID by using the location settings. Android 4.4 uses Google maps
and contacts for Caller ID applications , so this also provides more
customised and personal Caller Identification.
7. Emoji Google KeyBoard.
The Google Andoid 4.4 Keyboard is more functional by the implication of Emoji characters into the Android keyBoard.
8. Easy Google search
new Google Android KitKat allows more personalised Google search by
using the personal and locational flavours. This allows to get more
easier accessiblity and accuracy for your search.
9. Screen Recording.
new KitKat Operating systems allows screen recording of live actions in
your screen and you can save this videos in MP4 or other formats.
10. More enhanced Connectivity and support.
KitKat Operating system enables more support for connectivity features
such as Bluetooth , WiFi and peripheral devices such as mice,
joysticks, and keyboards. Android 4.4 also brings support for the
Message Access Profile (MAP) it allows message trasaction between
Android devices.