logistics audit is framed by the answers to the following questions
- Are current logistics strategic objectives consistent with current corporate marketing and production strategies?
- How is the company performing with respect to customer requirements and preferences?
- What is the true total cost of the logistics function and how do those costs compare with others in the same industry or market segment?
- Is the company using its logistics resources and capacity effectively?
- Is the company managing its material flow effectively through the supply chain?
- Are the information systems and technologies meeting the needs of the users, the business and the customers?
- Consistency of logistics strategic objectives
- Determine customer requirements and preferences and obtain performance targets
- Detail current logistics operations and practices
- Analysis of logistics data
- Identify and prioritize projects and initiatives
- Prioritizing projects
- Develop an Implementation plan
- Implement and Audit
- Monitor and corrective action
control activity intense to reduce performance alteration in a
planned process. That is reducing the gap between the planned and
actual performance. The control process is a function which monitors
changes in the internal operations and external conditions and
provides useful pointers for effective organizational management in
future. Therefore logistics control aims at monitoring planning
activities so as to decrease variance between benchmark and actual
output. There are three types of logistics
control systems;
- Open loop
- Closed loop
- Modified loop