Depository services

Depository services
A Depository is an organization which holds investors' securities in electronic form. The depository also provides services related to various transactions in such securities. A depository interfaces with its investors through Depository Participants. Depository Participants maintain investors' accounts (demat accounts) which are similar to Savings Bank/Current accounts with a Bank. Purchase and sale of securities can be done through demat account.

Benefits of Depository System:
1. No danger of loss of share certificates since the shares are credited to youraccount.
2. No possibility of bad deliveries.
3. Elimination of all rise associated with physical certificates such as loss, theft, forgery, mutilation etc.
4. No need to affix share transfer stamp as it is a paperless trading.
5. No postal / courier charges.
6. Less brokerage charges.
7. After the settlement, pay in and pay out are on the same day for paperless trading which means you get your securities and cash immediately.
8. Script less trading helps allocate corporate benefits faster.
9. Facilitates pledging and hypothecation of your securities.
10. Eliminates the problem of odd lot shares.
11. Facility to lock your account if you are abroad.

Services offered by NSDL :
The following services are offered by NSDL to the investors, through its agents viz.Depository Participants.
1. Holding the investors’ securities in electronic form.
2. Dematerialization and rematerialisation of securities.
3. Settlement of trades in electronic form.
4. Electronic credit of public offerings and non-cash corporate actions such as rights, bonus etc.

Steps involved in joining depository system:
There are 3 steps in which an investor can covert his physical certificate into electronic form.
1. Open an account with one of the participants of NSDL (A participant is a market intermediary through whom NSDL interacts with the investors).
2. Sign an Agreement with the participant.
3. Submit Dematerialization Request form along with share certificate to the Issuer.

How do you open a depository account?
Choose a participant from amongst the participants (a list of participants is given in
Annexure-A) offering depository services and registered with NSDL. Thereafter :
a. Fill up an Account Opening Form available with the participant.
b. Sign ‘Participant-Client Agreement’.
c. Receive your account number which should be quoted in all your correspondence.
d. Your participant will provide you a statement of holdings and statement of transactions (like a bank pass book) every fortnight giving details of your holdings and transactions in your account.

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