How to improve - handwriting ..?

Handwriting is a important factor of every human being. handwriting can speak about a person, handwriting is the personality of a person. Human personalty and handwriting has a relation. we can classifies human being according to handwriting. in selection process interviewers select candidates by  handwriting they think as follows:-

  • Good handwriting ::: good personality, clean life, and arrangement skill in life
  • Bad handwriting ::: clean less life, disarranged life, bad personality
handwriting is a spoke person of a human being, it can say all about him, so development of handwriting is an important task. importance of handwriting can classify as follows

  • CHILDREN'S :: STUDENT :: EXAM RESULT (teacher will give good marks for good handwriting)
  • TEENAGE :: LOVERS :: LOVE LETTER ( if you have good handwriting, lover think as this fellow have a good personality 
  • YOUTH :: WORKER :: JOB APPLICATION (your boss will evaluate you according to your handwriting)
  • MIDDLE AGE :: FATHER/MOTHER:: CHILD (our child will follow our hand writing,and his personality develop according to parents)
  • OLD AGE :: POLITICS :: SIGNATURE (your signature develop according to your handwriting)

  1. FIRST OF ALL, TAKE DECISION "I WILL CHANGE MY HANDWRITING": before start this course, you must take a decision that "I am ready to change my handwriting" and  I never turn back from this task". confidence is a prime role in every thing, in this case also confidence and mind power has good role.
  2. GOOD QUALITY PEN AND PAPER:  pen and paper has an important role in handwriting, so select good quality pen and paper. micro point pens are more suitable for good handwriting.
  3. SLOW WRITING: while in the development stage, practice slow writing, try to develop your writing, and try to roll your letters.  this will improve your hand writing skill and your personality.
  4. TABLE AND CHAIR: put your paper on a table, and seat you self while writing, don't practice writing on wall or other place. select table according to your hight
  5. ARRANGED LIFE: try to arrange your life and your table this will help to improve your personality, arrange  in life lead to develop your skill. this will lead to arrange your letters as beautiful.
  6. STRAIGHT SEATING:  your posture during writing time has important role on your handwriting. if you are bend that will reflect in your handwriting, try to be straight during writing session. 
  7. AVOID LAZINESS FROM LIFE: laziness in life will reflect in his personalty, this also reflects in his handwriting. ready to accept challenges.
  8. GET A GRIP ON YOUR PEN: if your pen has grip, that will improve your handwriting, try to purchase such type of pens.
  9. ARRANGE YOUR SHOULDER AND BODY: arrange your body and shoulder according to your table and chair. keep straight your body as possible. 
  10. PRACTICE WELL: "experience is the best teacher", in this case also practice well, that will help to develop your hand writing. write slowly while free time. try to develop your writing skills. 

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